Basic Theory
Transformator is electric tools who can be change power from variable into another with process named induce electromagnetic. In this change, happens changing of current and voltage. Based on its kind, transformator can be divide:
1. Power Transformator Can be (Power Tranformator) divide:
a) Transformator Step Up Voltages on secondary’s side less than voltages on primary’s side, equals with total winding on secondary’s side less than primary’s side.
b) Transformator Step Down Voltages on secondary’s side bigger than voltages on primary’s side, equals with total winding on secondary’s side bigger than total winding on primary’s side.
Determine from constructin, can divide by :
a) Core type
b) Shell type
2. Instrument Transformator When measurement high voltage and big current, it’s impossible to measure diretly cause needed especially tools and increase it cost. besides in high voltage isolation more difficult to use. For that reason, transformator can use instrument measurement are: a) For measure voltage used potensial transformator, which connected parallel with load.
b) For measure current using current transformator, which connected series eith load.
3. Audio Transformator This kind of Transformator have used in audio tools for block DC voltages in the mini practice.
4. Auto transformator Auto transformator in it’s basic same on power transformator, just the difference between primary and secondary elektric become one.
5. Loads Transformator load can be resistive (R), induktive (L), kapasitive (C). Difference loads can produce power factor on vector between primary voltage dan secondary based on circuit equivalent with difference power factor. • Resistor
• Inductor
• Capacitor
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